

Software for efficient analysis of noise rating levels according to international and national standards such as ISO 1996 and TA-Laerm.


AUDITOR is a powerful but nevertheless user-friendly software product for all our customers who deal with noise immission measurements. In particular very large measurements, captured over days or weeks, can be smoothly processed with Auditor.

Auditor supports efficient analysis of noise rating levels according to international and national standards, including all requirements of ISO 1996 und TA-Laerm. For example, with this software, manufacturing companies can calculate the noise rating level and generate a report automatically, so long as the maximum values for subjective supplements (e.g. tonality) are applied.


Auditor is a comprehensive post-processing software for professional noise analysis. Whether you work with Tango, Soundbook, Swing or other SINUS measurement systems, Auditor helps you to process your measurement data and fulfill your customers’ requirements efficiently.

A key feature of the software is the analysis of immission protection measurements for industrial, rail, road and neighborhood noise, providing clear documentation with convenient and efficient report generation. Measurement data from our SAMURAI, siNoise and Tango-Utilities software can be imported.

In addition to computations allowing for low-frequency and impulse noise, Auditor offers effective tools for retrospective background noise correction by means of exclusion markers.

Auditor can be conveniently used for archiving large volumes of measurement data and for comparison of measurement results from several measurements. The data are stored in an Auditor-specific format. These project files hold not only the graphical results but also the original data and the computations performed, so that the data can be processed further if desired at any time without any loss of information.

Graphics, tables and individual values from the measurement data analysis can be included in customizable reports (in HTML format). In addition to manual report generation, Auditor can be used from a batch file to generate reports automatically and send them via e-mail.

Any Auditor project can be used as a template for a new project in order to perform the same task with similar measurement data. Window layout, administrative data, computations and report structures are preserved. An intelligent import mechanism assigns imported data to appropriate computation inputs.

Here are just a few of Auditor’s many features:

  • Display of level history data, spectra (octave, third-octave and FFT), percentiles, interval values, FFT spectra from the computation of tonality and information content according to DIN 45681, and weather data.
  • Import and comparison of measurement data from various measurement stations (also with different storage intervals)
  • Computation of measurement results in user-defined periods
  • Replay and analysis of recorded audio signals, allowing sections to be marked during the replay process
  • Insertion and editing of markers to identify noise sources
  • Clearly laid-out marker analysis table with automatic computation of values for marked sections (e.g. LAeq for the marked sections)
  • Computations of the supplement for impulse content (KI) according to DIN 45641 (LAIeq – LAeq ) and DIN 45645-1 / TA-Laerm (LAFTeq – LAeq )
  • Computations of the supplement for tonality and information content (KT) according to DIN 45681 and ISO 1996-2 (computation from FFT spectra)
  • Computations for consideration of low-frequency noise according to DIN 45680
  • Computation of LCeq – LAeq with display as level history and marker upon exceedance of either 20dB or 15dB
  • Analysis of weather data
  • Convenient tool for computation of the noise rating level Lr with user-specific intervention possibilities according to TA-Laerm and ISO 1996-2
  • Chaining of analyses
  • Document templates for computations and graphs
  • Report and export function with predefined and freely-editable report
  • Import of compressed measurement data from noise monitoring systems
  • Project templates for recurrent analyses

Versions and Options

Auditor Versions and Options
Option Order No. Functionality
Auditor 800992.2 Basis functionality for computations, display and report generation.
Import of measurement data from SAMURAI, siNoise and Tango-Utilities.
Auditor_light 801282.1 Same basis functionality as Auditor except for import of SAMURAI and siNoise measurement data.
AUDITOR opt: NOISECAM VIDEO Import of SAMURAI video data


  • At least Intel® Prozessor oder AMD Athlon™ XP Prozessor (Intel® I7 Prozessor recommended)
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Windows® 7
  • Monitor at least 23″