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Land Traffic Noise Assessment for TOP

Legal requirement for Land Traffic Noise Assessment

The “Technical Guideline for Land Traffic Noise Impact Assessment” the noise emission limits are set for the noise levels at any façade of the buildings of the new residential and noise sensitive development shall not exceed the noise level of 67 dBA (Leq 1hr); and the indoor noise level shall not exceed the noise level of 57 dBA (Leq 1hr) under natural ventilation.
Indoor and façade noise level need to measure and submit to the National Environmental Agency while submitting Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) / Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)application.
The owner of the non-industrial buildings shall measure the noise levels emitted by land traffic noise over the weekday and weekend period and submit the land traffic noise assessment report to National Environmental Agency.

General rule is measuring the noise levels (LAeq) for 1 hourover continuous 24hours over 1 x weekday and 1 x weekend.

Qsafe Pte. Ltd have developed a very strong relationship with the clients by advising them proper procedures and methods for preparing noise assessment reports as per the guidelines set by NEA.

Location of measurement

Common practice (unless advised by the Director-General of National Environmental Agency) is as follows

  • For the façade noise level, the noise level should be taken at 1m from the façade wall.
  • For indoor noise level, the noise level should be taken from the centre of the rooms such as living room, bed rooms, etc with windows or balcony door opened. The microphone should be at a height of 1.2 – 1.5m above the floor.

Qsafe Pte. Ltd have experienced and competent noise consultants and they shall guide the owner of the premises start from selecting the locations of measurement, interpreting measured readings on consideration of the background noise, and preparing land traffic noise assessment report in-line with National Environmental Agency requirements.

Instrument to be used for noise measurement

As per the Director-General the measurements of noise levels shall be carried out with a sound level meter which complies with the standards specified in the International Electrotechnical Commission Publication 651 (Type 1) and Publication 804 (Type 1). Noise monitoring officer from Qsafe Pte. Ltd shall use the calibrated sound level meter that complies with all the legal requirement as advised by the Authority.

Submission of report to NEA

Noise assessment clarification reports shall be submitted through CORENET e-Submission system (eSS)to National Environmental Agency by QP / Architects. But Qsafe Pte Ltd and shall assist the Preparation of the noise assessment clarification report in-line with the noise assessment clarification letter from the NEA and complying with all the legal requirements and guidelines.